JR tokyo wide pass itinerary

JR Tokyo Wide Pass Itinerary | 2024

Traveling around Japan shouldn’t empty your pocket. With my JR Tokyo Wide Pass Itinerary, you can easily afford and visit the broader Tokyo area, which includes famous attractions such as Nikko, Mount Fuji, Yuzawa kogen ski resort, Komoro Castle Ruins,  Shiraito Falls, the Izu Peninsula and many more. With this pass, you can ride unlimited JR trains, buses, and even the shinkansen bullet train for a predetermined length of time, making it simple to go around and see all the attractions. 


The JR Tokyo Wide Pass provides something to everyone, whether you’re interested in historical sites, natural beauty, or modern attractions. In this itinerary, we’ll highlight some of the best places to visit with the pass and advise ways to make the most of your time there.

Day 1: JR Tokyo Wide Pass - Niigata Prefecture

7:40 - Shinkansen ride to Echigo Yuzawa

JR tokyo wide pass itinerary
Shinkasen ride from Ueno Station to Echigo Yuzawa Station.

We went on a day trip to Echigo Yuzawa in Niigata Prefecture using the 3-day pass, JR Tokyo Wide Pass.


We rode a shinkansen (included in a pass) from Ueno Station to Echigo Yuzawa Station. 


9:00- Touchdown Echigo Yuzawa Station

echigo yuzawa station
Front of Echigo yuzawa station

Arrived at Echigo Yuzawa Station around 9:00 AM. We walked to Yuzawa Kogen Ropeway Station and took the ropeway to Yuzawa Kogen Alpine Botanical Garden.

JR tokyo wide pass itinerary
Yuzawa Kogen Ski resort ropeway

I was mesmerized by the scenic view above. I can still see the snow caps of the mountains that can be seen at the peak. We explored the place and rode the go-kart twice.

10:00 -Yuzawa Kogen - Mountain Go-Kart

Yozawa kogen mountain go-cart
Yozawa kogen mountain go cart

Driving here in Japan for the first time, although only on a go-kart. Driving a go-kart at Kogen Yuzawa Alpine Botanical Garden was one of the most fun things I did today. I was hesitant to operate the go-kart because I don’t know how to drive very well. This was our second time(the staff even noticed us) Chriz Tine drove and I was the passenger on our first attempt.


Since I really don’t like losing to children, I decided to give it a try after watching children aged 5 and older try driving. I’m glad I did it because it turned out to be the one I enjoyed the most today. Because of this, I nearly lost my voice. Thanks to my videographer and driving instructor for holding the camera and the driving wheel for me.


11:00 - Chill at the Park

Play Park
Chill around yuzawa kogen play park after go kart ride experience.

11:20 - Lunch

taking lunch at yozawa kogen

13:00 - Walked around Echigo Yuzawa station

Beautiful-houses-around-Echigo-Yuzawa-Station. chubu region

We went down to make ample time for the bus schedule going to our next destination. Explored the area near Echigo Yuzawa station and relaxed at the foot bath.

Free foot-bath-Near-Echigo-Yuzawa-Station

15:00: Kiyotsu Gorge tunnel

inside Kiyotsu Gorge tunnel Niigata
Inside Kiyotsu Gorge tunnel in Niigata

After getting off the bus at Kiyotsukyo Iriguchi Station, we walked for about 30 minutes to reach the Kiyotsu Gorge tunnel. We enjoyed walking and seeing this beautiful scenery in front of our eyes.

18:00 - Ponshukan

Ichigo Sake Mueseum
Ichigo Sake Mueseum Ponshukan

We returned to Echigo Yuzawa Station to eat dinner after visiting Kiyotsu Gorge. After a delicious meal, we visited Ponshukan, which is located just within the station. 132 different types of sake for tasting are available at Ponshukan. We also got some omiyage, which was our final activity of the day. Then took the shinkansen (still covered with our Tokyo Wide Pass) back to Tokyo.

Day 2: JR Tokyo Wide Pass - Shizuoka Prefecture

7:30 - Shinkansen ride to Izukyuu-Shimoda station

Take some selfie inside Shinkansen. Our second day trip - Izu Peninsula.

We traveled to Izukyuu-Shimoda Station (the last station included in this pass). We were supposed to take the Odoriko Express train (also included in the pass) from Tokyo Station but ended up taking the local train to Atami and change to Izukyu line at Atami Station, as we weren’t able to get a seat reservation. 

arrival at atami station usingJR tokyo widepass
Arrival at Atami Station using JR Tokyo Wide pass

Nevertheless, we enjoyed the train ride while seeing the ocean view.

ocean view-izu-ookawa-station
Ocean view from my window seat.

10:30 - Touch down Izukyu-Shimoda

izukyuu-shimoda station
Our first destination was the last station in Izu included on our 3-day pass, Izukyu-Shimoda. It is located in the Southern tip of Izu Peninsula.
Izukyu shimoda perry boat
Taking picture in front of Izukyu Shimoda Station's Perry boat

I was amazed when we explored the area. It feels like we weren’t in Japan, flags of the US and Japan are decorated along the streets. Historically, this small town plays a big role in opening Japan to the world.

11:00 - Perry Monument

11:30 - Lunch at Kurofuneya

happy meal at kurofuneya restaurant
Delicious meal serve at Kurofuneya

We walked through Perry road and his landing monument nearby the ocean. Then, we had our sumptuous lunch at Kurofuneya (super delicious) just a few walks away from the station.

12:30 - Bamboo Charcoal Vanilla

After lunch, we made our way to the station and had a Bamboo Charcoal Vanilla Flavor soft cream at Perry’s Black Ship House. We also bought some omiyage at the souvenir shop near the station before boarding the train and moving to our next destination.

Bamboo Charcoal Vanilla Flavor soft cream at
Bamboo Charcoal Vanilla Flavor soft cream

13:30 - Touch down Izu-Kogen Station

jr tokyo widepass izu-kogen stataio
jr tokyo widepass izu-kogen stataio

We boarded the Odoriko train from Izukyu-Shimoda Station and got off at Izu-Kogen Station. We explored the place around the station a bit while waiting for the train for Jogazaki Kaigan Station. Luckily, we were able to ride the Resort 21 sightseeing train (included on our pass). 

14:00 - Jogazaki Kaigan Station


14:30 -  Kadowakicape lighthouse

We walked from Jogazaki Kaigan Station to Kadowakicape lighthouse for about 30minutes. We went on a wrong way and was about to go back to the station when a Japanese woman approached us and asked where we were headed to. We were happy as she walked us to our destination as she is also taking 散歩(sanpo or walking in English). We chatted on our way and thank her for guiding us.

Kadowaki-cape lighthouse sea side
Kadowaki cape lighthouse
Kadowaki cape lighthouse

15:00 - Kadowaki Suspension Bridge

taking selfie at kadowaki suspension bridge
Selfie in front Kadowaki Suspension bridge

We chilled a bit while sitting on rocks nearby the cliffs and then moved on to Kadowaki Suspension Bridge. After feeling the sea breeze and filling ourselves with so much relaxation watching the ocean while listening to the sound of the waves, we made our way back to the station and catch the train for Atami Station.

We tried to reserve a seat at Atami Station but unfortunately, Odoriko’s last train runs at 4:00 PM. As Tokaido Shinkansen is not included in our pass, we took the local train back to Tokyo after dinner.
What an amazing trip, relaxing and experiencing life away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Day 3: JR Tokyo Wide Pass - Nagano Prefecture

7:30 -  Tokyo to Nagano via Hokuriku Shinkansen

shinkansen going to Nagano from tokyo station
Our Tokyo-Nagano shinkansen ride

On the last day of our 3-day JR Tokyo Wide Pass, we went on another day trip to Nagano from Tokyo via Hokuriku Shinkansen.
We were not able to reserve a seat for our shinkansen ride as reserved seats were already sold out, so we went early and waited in line at non-reserved seat cars. 

taking selfie before going to nagano
taking selfie before going to nagano

We boarded the 7:30am Asama train and it wasn’t crowded at the non-reserved cars(1-5). The three of us took a window seat each to enjoy the view outside while traveling.

picturesque view from sakudaira station platform
Picturesque view from sakudaira station platform going to komoro station

8:50 - Sakudaira Station

Selfie in front of Sakudaira Station

We got off at Sakudaira Station(the last station covered by the pass on Hokuriku Shinkansen) and then changed train to a JR train and headed to Komoro Station (the last station in Nagano covered by Tokyo Wide Pass).

9:20 - Komoro Station

JR tokyo widepass - Komoro station
Touch down Komoro Station

Just in front of Komoro Station is The Teishaba Garden filled with different types of flowers welcoming travelers coming out the station.


9:30 - Komoro Castle Ruins


We then headed to Komoro Castle Ruins, just a few walks from the station. This castle was the seat of power in the region for over 300 years. The site provides amazing views of the city and surrounding mountains, making it a must-see for every ages seeking a unique cultural and historical experience in Japan.

10:30 - Go back to Sakudaira station

(Shiawase no Kane) or Bell of happiness

After exploring around the Komoro Castle Ruins, we headed back to Sakudaira Station from Komoro Station to catch the shinkansen for Karuizawa. Since we still had 20 minutes wait time before the arrival of the shinkansen, we went outside the station and took a pose at 幸せの鐘(Shiawase no Kane) or Bell of happiness, which can be found in front of the station beside the Tateshina entrance.

11:05 - Touch down Karuizawa Station

Selfie in front of karuizawa-station

After reaching Karuizawa via shinkansen from Sakudaira Station, we headed out at the North exit to catch the bus to Shiraito falls (not included on our pass) and costs 720 yen (one way).

Karuizawa bus station direction
Karuizawa bus station direction

12:00 - Shiraito Falls

We reached Shiraito Falls after more than an hour of traveling via bus. There were food stalls in front of the entrance to the falls, so we grabbed something to fill our hungry tummies. We tried 五平餅(goheimochi pr skewered rice cakes ) and then proceeded to Shiraito Falls.

snacks you choose outside shiraito falls
goheimochi pr skewered rice cakes
goheimochi pr skewered rice cakes

12:30 - Selfie around Shiraito falls

You already know the drill.  Never leave a paradise without taking a selfie. 

selfie at shiraito falls
Selfie at shiraito falls
Selfie at shiraito falls
Taking selfie at Shiraito Falls' delicate stream of water

Shiraito Falls gets its name from the thin and delicate streams of water that cascade down from a height of 20 meters. The waterfall is surrounded by lush greenery and the sound of gushing water adds to the serene atmosphere. The falls are fed by the melting snow of Mount Fuji, which makes the water crystal clear.

shiraito falls clear water
Shiraito falls

In addition to its natural beauty, Shiraito Falls is also known for its spiritual significance. The falls have been a site of worship for centuries, and there are several shrines and temples located nearby. Visitors can pay their respects at the shrines and learn about the rich cultural heritage of Japan.

12:40 - Taste apple flavored ice cream

apple flavored ice-cream
apple flavored ice-cream

After enjoying the view of the falls, we headed back to the bus stop and grabbed some apple-flavored ice cream, a must-try in the area since Nagano is known for its high-quality apple. Then, waited in line for the bus. Buses running to and from the area have around an-hour intervals, so we need to be conscious of time.

13:30 St. Paul Church

St. Paul church Karuizawa
St. Paul church Karuizawa

We get off at せいパウロ教会前(Seipauro Kyoukai Mae) and walked to St. Paul Church. The church is said to be one of the most historic buildings in Karuizawa. 

14:00 late lunch

As we were already hungry, we looked for a place to eat. Chris and Jam tried their ramen and I ordered Bibimbap.

14:30 - Kyu-Karuizawa


Since we already recharged and have so much energy, we walked to Kyu-Karuizawa(Old Karuizawa) Ginza Shopping street. The place was crowded with locals and some foreigners. I was filming with my phone when suddenly it stops recording, we heard alarms going off at the same time so we were surprised and wondered what was going on. It was everyone’s phone warning of the earthquake with an epicenter at Ishikawa Prefecture.

15:00-Shaw memorial church

shaw memorial church
Shaw memorial church

After everything settled, we made our way to the end of the shopping district and found another church(Karuizawa Shaw Memorial Church). It is another historical church developed through an exchange of Western culture. We can see there were still spots ahead of the church but we decided to head back.

15:30 - Souvenir shop

On our way to the station, we stopped by a souvenir shop and bought Karuizawa-made jam. I bought cheesecake and apple flavor jam for myself. 

16:30- Prince Shopping Plaza

Prince shopping plaza - Michael Kors
Prince shopping plaza - Michael Kors

Before heading back to Tokyo, we stopped by the Prince Shopping Plaza, an outlet mall situated just in front of the station. And after exhausting ourselves walking around a wide shopping plaza doing window shopping, we decided to head back to Tokyo.

Since we weren’t able to reserve a seat on a shinkansen ahead, we tried our luck again at the non-reserved seat but failed this time. The train was delayed and was so crowded due to the earthquake, so we had to stand the entire 1.5hr travel time.
The 3-day pass was worth it. I’ll tell you more about how much we saved using this pass on my next posts.

For now, that concludes my entire three days Itinerary using JR Tokyo Wide Pass. For more info about this  pass, visit their official website: JR East 

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